Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post #10: Jacob and the Beast

Jacob and the Beast

     House Rules and Beauty and the Beast are two different types of book. One is complicated and one is childish. They are for different audiences but there are some similar things that can be found while reading.
     Jacob has Asperger, which made him different. His mother is Emma, who loves and sacrifices everything for him. Because of Jacob, Emma lost her friends and her husband, but she still loves Jacob because he is her son. Emma protects him to keep him from being locked up in jail.
     A beast, who can talk, would not make a lot of friends. Everyone abandoned him and no one likes him. When he first met Belle, she hated him because he captured her. But as time passes and Belle get to know the beast more, she started to realize that he is a nice person and treated him nicely.
     The similarities in both of them are Jacob and the beast are different from normal people but they both get treated nicely from one person who is special to them. But the differences is Emma always love and protect Jacob, but Belle only like the beast when she get closer to him, in the beginning she does not like him.

     In conclusion, they are much different but can have similarities. Being different doesn’t mean you will not receive love in your life. But it depends on the time and how you make people likes you.

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