Monday, November 18, 2013

Post #8: Comparing and Contrasting LYING versus ACTING

            Most of the people in the world think that acting and lying is the same thing. But I think the opposite, they are different. Yes I do agree that they are both not telling the truth and those general things, but beside that, there are differences if you look closely inside. First, the most obvious difference; Lying is a word description and acting is an action. You can lie by your mouth but you can’t act by your mouth. You can act with the help of your mouth, but then the mouth role will be count as a type of lying. The same problem with acting, you can’t lie by your actions because lying is a part of your words. Secondly, acting isn’t the same as lying because when you’re acting, you are not being yourself. You are copying, pretending or trying to be someone else. This does not cause much effect on other people sometimes since the actions are not exactly meant to be directly for someone. For lying, it’s a different because when you’re lying, you have to be talking to someone. That means the words are actually being specifically delicate to that person. This cause more effects because it could be listed as betraying. Once the truth is found, the liar will face a big consequence. In conclusion, I think that you should not either lie or act, because they are both bad.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post #7: Should Teenagers Get PAID for Doing Their Homework?

            If you are a student, you’ve probably heard of “Homework”. You can see it in many different perspectives. To some students, doing homework is like a precious and honorable job to do every day. They love doing it so much that they can’t live without it. On the other hand, some of the students just hate it.  They consider homework as a job that they are forced to do every night after school. But all of them all thought of “Homework” as a job. So here’s the question, if “Homework” is a job, should the worker, the students, get paid salary? We should look at this in two ways. The first way is yes, the students should get paid for doing their homework. First, it’s all about the energy. Studying is difficult and takes a lot of work to do, especially for teenagers at the age of reaching high schools. Their heads and brains have to think hard all the time. Can you imagine studying 8 hours at school day time, and then go home and do homework for 2 more hours? It’s just too much. Their work should be paid. Second, doing homework needs a lot of time. When schools end, everyone go home, expecting to have free time to relax and play games, but for teenagers, they have to sit and do homework. It is just like in school, no different. Why don’t teachers give their students time to finish their work in school? Just like jobs, if the staff works extra hours, they should get paid more. Looking at all these things we’ve talk about just now, homework seems really bad for you. But it is actually not. Let’s look at the positive things of homework. Before we mentioned about energy and effort it takes to do homework and it should get paid. But if you think again, the effort you put in to do your homework doesn’t go to the trash bin; it goes to your brain and knowledge. Studying is for your own good and doing homework is for improving your studying. Therefore, you don’t need to be paid to do your homework. If you want to get smarter, homework is one of the ways to help you. In conclusion, homework is not completely that bad as some of the teenagers thought. But do you think it would be cool if we actually get paid to do our homework?